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The Divine Feminine Virtual Exhibition 2022


A Celebration of the Divine Feminine Energy within us and Nature!

"The Divine Feminine is a sacred energy from the divine spirit that connects with the body, with nature, and with the cycles of creation and transformation. Is the creative and life-giving energy within all of us that gives form to that which we care about and put our energy into.”-Gabriela Herstik, Goddess Energy. 

​The concept of “masculine” and “feminine” energy has been used in many different mystical practices throughout history to describe two synergistic forces that exist within every person, regardless of gender expression. "Masculine” energy often thought of as being active and outward-oriented, and “feminine” energy receptive and inward-focused. That said, it is important to clarify that Divine femininity is within us all!

​We live in a society that often appears to value thinking over intuition; taking action over being receptive; and focusing our energy outward rather than inward— but sacred femininity allows us to challenge that status quo. Embracing your divine feminine energy is about finding strength in your own softness and challenging society’s idea of what it means to be empowered.

7 October

Exhibition Utopia, ECOFeminism Festival 2021

17 October

Exhibition TERRA 2022